Posts tagged inspiration
A List of Great EQ Questions to Ask in Interviews

My favorite questions to gauge EQ when interviewing candidates (5 mins).

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The Most Resilient Teams Have This in Common

Don’t ever take your foot off the gas when it comes to great leadership and culture (2 mins).

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Want More Productivity? Stop Working, Go Play

Being in a good headspace is more beneficial to productivity than nonstop work (2 mins).

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Prioritize & Simplify to Stay Productive at Home

Priorities, productivity, and eating elephants (2 mins).

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Working from Home & Building Healthy Boundaries

Work time, personal time, and avoiding burnout at home (2 mins).

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Leadership Mindset: Honoring Neurodiversity on Teams

Video calls, making space for different needs, and micromanaging (2 mins).

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EQ & Managing a Crisis: Allow the Process

Allow space for yourself and others to let the storm pass through (3 mins).

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Staying Connected as a Remote Team

Staying connected as a remote team, mixing it up, and bringing levity to a tough time (3 mins).

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Leadership During Crisis, Uncertainty, & Great Change

People will remember how you showed up for them when they needed it (3 mins).

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Positivity Mindset: Perspective, Gratitude, & Being Misunderstood

Regardless of what you’re looking for, you can always find it (6 mins).

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Resilience: Vulnerability, Failures, Mindset, & Bouncing Back

“I know that it’s hard, but you have to try.” - Lizzo (5 mins).

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3 Ways to Check Your Own Accountability

Level up your accountability mindset, both personally and professionally (5 mins).

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Change Mindset: Adapting & Owning Change

If you’re falling… dive (5 mins).

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How to Build a Growth Mindset

Five ways to build a growth mindset (5 mins).

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3 Ways to Handle a Difficult Boss

Encountering difficult people is inevitable in life and work…unfortunately, sometimes they’re your boss (5 mins).

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Job & Career Hack: Leverage Your Boss

Does your boss’s boss know what job you want? (2 mins)

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Breaking Down Silos & A Car With No Engine

Getting rid of “us versus them” mindsets and garbage at work (3 mins).

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Being a Better Employee: Drama, Gossip, & Bullshit

Eating all the donuts, getting Zen, and looking out for your career (4 mins).

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5 Ways to Never Have to Fire Anyone Again

Make having to fire people obsolete by running and creating teams like this (3 mins).

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Toxic Employees Have to Go. Period.

No one has to stay at a job that they hate, and companies don’t have to keep employees that don’t want to be there (4 mins).

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