Bring Out the Best in Other People
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I want to challenge you to adopt this mantra for a week:
Bring out the best in other people.
How can you bring out the best in others? — Put it on a post-it note on your computer, write it on your hand, or have something else to remind you throughout your day to think about it.
“What can you do to bring out the best in other people in terms of creativity, engagement, or how they feel?”
This is a topic that comes from a core tenet of a Yes, And Culture: Make Others Look Good.
The idea is having the intention to bring the best in others out as your move throughout the world. Asking yourself “What can I do to bring the best out of this person in terms of creativity, engagement, or how they feel? It’s a powerful tool to boost your personal impact on others.
This intention can apply to almost any situation.
The beautiful thing about adopting this intention as you move through the world is that it can be applied to almost any situation — from group settings to strangers, to one-on-one conversations. There is always another person to light up, another person whom you can impact positively.
Take advantage of the chance to try and bring out the best in others.
“Adopt this mantra for a week and watch how it affects others around you for the better.”
A couple of ideas on how to use & apply this mantra:
This can look like…
Going to someone to have a moment of appreciation for them and thank them for their work and contribution
Asking someone how you can support them or take something extra off their plate
Tapping into someone’s knowledge by asking them specifically for their input or opinion on something
Complimenting someone’s strengths, or putting them on a project where their talents can shine the brightest
Acknowledging someone going the extra mile while you are in a group setting so others notice their effort
There’s also great opportunity for self reflection here, especially after meetings, conversations, etc:
Is there anything I could have done differently that would have brought out the best of this person?
And for super-extra-mega-ultra bonus points:
Like many things, this is very easy to do with people that you like. To unlock another level of emotional intelligence within yourself, try this concept out on someone that you might not historically get along with.
Sometimes, the reason something is hard is because it’s just unfamiliar. And think of all the tension we could heal if we applied this mantra to not just our work friends, but everyone we work with our organization or come in contact with as much as possible..
Final thoughts:
Bringing out the best of other people makes a huge impact overall at work and in our personal lives.
Spend a few days or a week and really focus on this intention and how you can apply this tool in your life. It’s a great skill that makes you more likable and a more valuable part of a team. As always, be intentional about how you are moving through the world and impacting people.
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This article was created by Galen Emanuele for the #culturedrop. Free leadership and team culture content in less than 5 minutes a week. Check out the rest of this month's content and subscribe to the Culture Drop at