Holy Shift, What a Year!


Welcome to the #shiftyestribe! Every Tuesday, Galen Emanuele emails tools to advance leadership skills, team culture, and personal growth. Relevant, authentic, no spam. Sign up now to get it in your inbox.

What’s up, #shiftyestribe!

We had a huge, amazing year. There were so many big milestones, new initiatives, and reasons to celebrate this year - we can’t emphasize enough how stoked we are that you’ve been here on the journey with us.

Here’s what happened in 2019:

  • Keynotes delivered: 63

  • Total audience members: 15,640

  • Flights taken: 94

  • Days on the road: 132

  • Team members added: 2

  • #shiftyestribe videos: 48

  • #shiftyestribe subscribers added: 4,619

  • Coffee trips across the street to Kainos: 204 (ish)

  • Monthly jams: 12

  • Team retreats: 1

  • Blogs written & posted: 48

  • Yummy baked goods Emilie brought in: a million

  • Times Jei quit: 23

  • Ice fighting events attended: 2

  • Days spent at Camp Phoenix: 5

Announcing the Culture Core

We’re also announcing the Culture Core, launching in 2020!

This is our latest initiative to help create awesome leaders, employees, and workplaces.

The culture core is a a coaching and mastermind program to transform your organization’s culture.

It’s a four month intensive program with one on one coaching and personal access to me.

Our team has been firing on all cylinders, we can’t wait.

That’s it! Thanks so much, you rock, we love you.

Have an amazing and safe New Year!


Galen, Kari, Jei, Emilie, and Lance